Reproducibility and validity of a bridging force measurement method using a scale
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[Purpose] The reproducibility and validity of a bridging force measurement method using a scale were investigated. [Subjects and Methods] The subjects were 19 elderly females certified for need for long-term care (mean age: 84.7±6.4 years, mean body weight: 49.9±7.5 kg). The reproducibility of the bridging force measurement method was investigated employing the interclass correlation coefficient on the test-retest method. The validity was investigated with regard to the association with evaluation of lower limb functions (CS-30, FRT, and TUG) by determining the Pearson correlation coefficient. [Results] The reproducibility of the bridging force measurement method was very high (0.964), and a significant correlation with FRT and tendency toward a significant correlation with TUG were noted, confirming the validity. [Conclusion] The bridging force measurement method was superior in reproducibility and may be clinically applicable as a simple evaluation method of lower limb function reflecting balance and walking abilities in the elderly.
村田 伸
甲斐 義浩
京都橘大学 健康科学部
井原 雄彦
竹井 和人
医療福祉専門学校 緑生館 理学療法学科
政所 和也
医療福祉専門学校 緑生館 理学療法学科
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