The factors affecting the poor walking distance which reflect restrictions on going out in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to clarity factors that affect the poor walking distance, which is an index of going out in patients with COPD, and, then, to calculate the cut-off values of the extracted factors. The subjects were 44 male COPD patients (aged 77.4±6.4 years). The methods were compared physical functions between 6-minutes walking distance (6 MWD) of 401 m or longer and shorter than 400 m, a criterion for restriction of going out. We examined the strength of the effects of physical function factors by the multiple logistic regression analysis with the dependent variable as 6 MWD, to the independent variable items that showed a significant difference. Also, the cut-off values of the extracted factors were calculated using ROC curves. The results were extracted mMRC (p=0.02) and %QS (p=0.02) by multiple logistic regression analysis. The cut-off values of the extracted measurement items were Grade 2 for the mMRC (sensitivity=0.880, specificity= 0.737, AUC=0.875) and 53.6% for the %QS (sensitivity=0.789, specificity=0.880, AUC=0.897). The results of this study, the mMRC and %QS were suggested to be factors that restrict going out in COPD patients, and their cut-off values could be calculated.
山田 穂積
堀川 悦夫
古賀 義行
林 真一郎
佐賀大学大学院 医学系研究科
堀川 悦夫
佐賀大学大学院 医学系研究科
田中 将英
堀江 淳
林 真一郎
村田 伸
阿波 邦彦
田中 将英
阿波 邦彦
京都橘大学 健康科学部
堀江 淳
神戸国際大学 リハビリテーション学部
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