Three Cases of Temporal Bone Osteoradionecrosis after Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Treatment
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Osteoradionecrosis is most commonly caused by radiation-induced injury. We report on 3 cases of temporal bone necrosis that occurred after chemoradiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma performed more than 10 years previously. Case 1 was a 42-year-old woman who had nasopharyngeal carcinoma in 1991. The patient underwent chemoradiotherapy (70 Gy total) in 1991, and gamma knife irradiation (20 Gy) in 1998 for local recurrence. The bone in the posterior wall of the left external auditory canal began to be exposed in 2003. Otorrhea from the left ear increased and we found a skin defect and ulcer formation in the postauricular region. We performed radical mastoidectomy and debridement on April, 2010. The area of the defect was covered and filled in with a pedicle musculoperiosteal flap. The intra-aural skin became dry in 6 months, however, she lost consciousness due to a temporal lobe abscess and underwent an emergency operation on April, 2011. After operation, the patient recovered with no neurological symptoms and infections up to the present date. Case 2 was a 58-year-old man who had nasopharyngeal carcinoma in 2001. The patient underwent chemoradiotherapy (66 Gy total) in 2001, and X knife irradiation (15 Gy) 3 months later due to the remaining tumor. The left posterior ear canal wall collapsed and the tympanic membrane retracted with pooling epithelial debris appearing in 2007. Left facial nerve palsy was seen in December 2010. We performed a mastoidectomy on January, 2011. Cholesteatoma and necrotic granuloma with fragile bone filled the mastoid cavity, and a facial canal bone defect was seen. Bone necrosis with cholesteatoma and inflammatory granuloma was revealed by the pathological examination. The facial palsy improved after the operation. Case 3 was a 59-year-old man who had left abducens palsy with nasopharyngeal carcinoma invading the clivus. The patient underwent chemoradiotherapy (60 Gy total) in 2001, and X knife irradiation (24 Gy) 4 months later for the remaining tumor. His abducens palsy improved and he achieved a complete response to the treatment. Left otorrhea and perforation of the left tympanic membrane occurred in 2002, and the left external auditory canal had became stenosed over time. He had received head CT scan following a blow to his head, and it revealed a low density area in the left temporal lobe which suggested brain necrosis. No medical treatment has been performed for this because he had no clinical symptoms. The recent CT scan showed erosion of the sphenoidal and temporal bone, thickened soft tissue of the external auditory canal, and thinning of the bone around the carotid artery in the upper pharyngus.
水田 邦博
浜松医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科
峯田 周幸
浜松医科大学 放射線
中西 啓
細川 誠二
瀧澤 義徳
大和谷 崇
細川 久美子
細川 久美子
峯田 周幸
水田 邦博
中西 啓
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