Diagnostic Imaging and Tumor Specific Treatment : - From the Final Lecture at Gunma University -
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Diagnostic imaging is essential for the accurate diagnosis and therapy of most diseases due to the development of imaging modalities, such as CT, MRI, ultrasonography, PET (positron emission tomography) and so on. The diagnostic imaging is divided into the anatomical imaging (CT, US, MRI) and functional imaging (PET). The combinined imaging of anatomical and functinal imaging, CT and PET or MRI and PET, is useful for the accurate localization of the tumor and more than 500,000 PET/CT studies are performed in Japan this year. The original idea of combined imaging of CT and PET was dicovered at Gunma University Hospital in 1983, and contributes a lot to the development of PET studies. One picture taken from the patient or animal may result in the discovery of new drugs or new instruments. This paper is the summary of my final lecture held on the 14th December, 2010 for the 4th grade of medical students of Gunma University.
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- Diagnostic Imaging and Tumor Specific Treatment : - From the Final Lecture at Gunma University -
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