A study of the attitude of palliative care units in Japan to allowing pets and therapy dogs to visit patients
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Most palliative care units in Japan allow patients to have their own pets visit them and also allow visits by therapy dogs, even though allowing animals into a hospital is not usually permitted. To determine which units allow patients to meet with their pets or have therapy dogs visit, questionnaires were sent 193 palliative care units, and the replies were obtained from the 149 units (77%). From the responses, it was determined that 135 units allowed patients to meet their pets on unit property, 36 units allowed patients to keep their pets with them, 121 units allowed patients to meet their pets in their hospital rooms, and 22 units adopted therapy dogs as animal-assisted therapies. Units established by religious organizations were more likely to allow patients to keep pets than non-religious organizations, and units established earlier more often allowed patients to meet up with their own pets than more recently established units. However, the use of animal therapy was equally likely in all units, regardless of religious affiliation or the age of the establishment. It is clear that being hospitable to patients' needs, and desires can be found in the newer palliative care units.
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- A study of the attitude of palliative care units in Japan to allowing pets and therapy dogs to visit patients