Automation of CT-Based Measurement of 3-Dimensional Cardiothoracic Volumetric Ratio
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The number of patients with cardiomegaly has been increasing in recent years. Cardiomegaly is a condition in which the heart is enlarged, resulting in an increase in the cardiothoracic ratio. The heart is subjected to an increased workload, which ultimately leads to heart failure, ischemic heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, etc. The early detection of cardiomegaly is essential for the treatment of such pathological conditions. In methods based on plain X-ray images, the condition is identified by directly measuring the cardiothoracic ratio on the image with a ruler. However, this has been found to be an inaccurate method for identifying cardiomegaly due to the large differences caused by variation in the X-ray exposure conditions. In this report, we propose a method in which cardiomegaly is identified based on the volumetric ratio of the heart and lung field volumes (called the cardiothoracic volumetric ratio) extracted from computed tomography (CT) images. Regional extraction of each organ is performed by setting a seed point for extraction in both the heart and the lungs and then performing labeling and morphological processing. To evaluate the usefulness of this method, CT images of eight test subjects, three of whom were diagnosed as having cardiomegaly, were used. The results showed a clear difference between the three subjects with cardiomegaly and the other five subjects, with average cardiothoracic volumetric ratios of 32% in the subjects with cardiomegaly and 15% in the other subjects. These findings indicate that the proposed method should be useful for the identification of cardiomegaly.
- 第17回 OsiriX(私の研究開発ツール)
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- Automation of CT-Based Measurement of 3-Dimensional Cardiothoracic Volumetric Ratio
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