- 論文の詳細を見る
Labetalol which has the combined α - and β -adrenoceptor blocking actions was administered in doses of 300 to 600mg/day for one month to a patient with essential hypertension to observe endocrine homeostatic action.<BR>Antihypertensive effect was noted from the first day of administration and the effect became more marked with dose-dependency with neither any side effect nor remarkablechange in the laboratory findings as the dose was increased from 300mg/day to 400mg and 600mg/day. Marked suppressions on PRA, secretion of aldosterone and manifestation of borderline diabetic data in glucose tolerance test were noted after labetalol. No difference in THS levels between before and after the administration, but lowering of the prolactin level and increase in LH and FSH responses were noted.
岩岡 大輔
大石 誠一
梅田 照久
佐藤 辰男
大石 誠一
三浦 央博
藤井 弓子
梅田 照久
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