Predictors of the Chronic Antihypertensive Effect of Nifedipine: Age, Renin, Basal Blood Pressure, and Acute Response.:Age, Renin, Basal Blood Pressure, and Acute Response
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Predictors of the chronic antihypertensive effect of nifedipine slow-release, tablet was examined with respect to age, plasma renin activity, basal blood pressure, and acute response to the nifedipine capsule. Following the acute oral administration of 10mg of nifedipine capsule, 10mg of nifedipine slow-release tablet twice a day was prescribed in 17 patients with essential hypertension. They were divided into two groups based on their blood pressure after 4wks of treatment. Group I consisted of 9 patients in whom both systolic and diastolic blood pressure dropped below 150/90mmHg. The remaining patients, in whom either systolic or diastolic blood pressure was higher than that level, were classified as group II. The fall of mean blood pressure at 60min after the acute administration was not significantly different between the two groups, while the efficacy after 4wks of treatment was greater in group I than in group II (-32.2±10.8 vs. -14.5±7.5mmHg, P<0.01). There were no significant differences between the two groups in the levels of serum albumin, serum creatinine, plasma renin activity, plasma aldosterone, and norepinephrine concentrations. However, the mean age in group I was significantly greater than that in grouplI (67.7±6.6 vs. 55.5±6.7yr, P<0.01). If a blood pressure lower than 150/90mmHg is considered as normal, then 8 of 10 patients 60yrs or older normalized their blood pressure compared with 1 of 7 patients younger than 60yrs (P<0.01 by Chi-square test). The fall in mean blood pressure 4wks after the chronic administration had a positive correlation with that measured 60min after the acute administration (r=0.577, P<0.02, n=17), but had no correlation with pretreatment mean blood pressure was evident. These results showed that age was the factor most related to the effect of the low dose nifedipine slow-release tablet.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
岩岡 大輔
佐々木 雅人
梅田 照久
佐藤 辰男
井上 準之助
梅田 照久
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