A case of primary biliary cirrhosis treated with colchicine and ursodeoxycholic acid.
- Lamivudineが投与されたB型慢性肝炎の長期臨床経過
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- 27-04-09 C 型慢性肝炎に対するインターフェロン・リバビリン併用療法時の血中リバビリン濃度と貧血に関する検討
- 肝炎診療の最前線 : C型肝炎を中心に
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- Effect of Renal Insufficiency on the Pharmacokinetics of Roxatidine.
- A case of hepatocellular carcinoma with pulmonary tumor emboli ; Double carrier of HBV and HTLV-I.
- Pharmacokinetics of famotidine, a H2 receptor antagonist for elderly persons.
- Plasma pivka-II levels in various liver diseases - With special reference to plasma pivka-II as a marker of hepatocellular carcinoma.:With special reference to plasma pivka-II as a marker of hepatocellular carcinoma
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- The antihypertensive effect and pharmacokinetics of nilvadipine (FK235) in essential hypertension.
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- Predictors of the Chronic Antihypertensive Effect of Nifedipine: Age, Renin, Basal Blood Pressure, and Acute Response.:Age, Renin, Basal Blood Pressure, and Acute Response
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- Assay of antibody to viral antigen encoded by C8-2 fragment derived from HCV genome.
- A Study on the Protein Binding of Nifedipine in the Sera of Liver Disease Patients.
- The influence of liver diseases on antipyrine metabolism.
- 不活化A型肝炎ワクチンの臨床応用
- Changes of the gastric mucosal blood flow during endoscopy.
- Effect of liver disease on protein combination of Nifedipine.
- A case of acute hepatitis associated with severe hemolytic anemia.
- タイトル無し
- Effect of hemodialysis on pharmacokinetics of famotidine.
- Serum vitamin K contents in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma-with special reference to plasma PIVKA-II levels.
- A case of primary biliary cirrhosis treated with colchicine and ursodeoxycholic acid.
- Pheochromocytoma associated with pregnancy: A case report and review of 22 cases in Japanese literature.