Effects of vanadate on mechanical and electrical activities in guinea-pig taenia coli.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ueda, F., Kishimoto, T., Ozaki, H., Karaki, H. and Urakawa, N. <I>Effects of vanadate on mechanical and electrical activities in guinea-pig taenia coli</I>. Jap.J. Smooth Muscle Res. 1984, 20 (2), 85-93.-Effects of vanadate (NH<SUB>4</SUB>VO<SUB>3</SUB> and Na<SUB>3</SUB> VO<SUB>4</SUB>: VAN) on electrical and mechanical activities and cellular Na content in guineapig taenia coli were examined. VAN (1-5×10<SUP>-4</SUP>M) transiently increased membrane potential and decreased muscle tension. Several minutes later, muscle tension increased following membrane depolarization and increase in spike frequency. The initial relaxing effect of VAN was not affected by ouabain, phentolamine and propranolol, and the contractile effect was not affected by atropine and tetrodotoxin. The VAN-induced contraction was dependent on external Ca and was abolished by verapamil. VAN also induced a contraction in depolarized taenia, which was augmented when external Ca concentration was lowered. VAN (10<SUP>-3</SUP>M) did not change cellular Na content. It is suggested that VAN-induced relaxation is due to the decrease in membrane electrical activities whereas contraction is attributable to the increased electrical activities followed by Ca influx and also to nonelectrical mechanism followed by mobilization of cellular Ca. These changes do not seem to be related to Na pump activity.
- 日本平滑筋学会の論文
唐木 英明
浦川 紀元
植田 富貴子
Department of Veterinary Public Health, Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical College
岸本 直
Pharmacology Section, Teijin Institute for Biomedical Research
尾崎 博
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