Estimation of the severity of Forest Fire Damage and the Recovery Using Landsat Data
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This study presents the results of classification of vegetative cover, and its change with time using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which resolves to (band 4-band 3)/(band 4 + band 3) of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data.<BR>A study area including a fire damage site was chosen for the research. Three sets of TM data of the same area, i.e., before the fire (May 1984), just after the fire (April 1985) and five years later (March 1990), were used for analysis. They were geometrically corrected and superimposed over 1: 25, 000 map.<BR>The NDVI values of 1984 TM data were computed for training samples selected from land use maps. It was found that NDVI can be used to delineate vegetative cover from other types of land cover. The NDVI values of 1985 TM data showed significant changes in the area which was classified as vegetative cover using 1984 TM data. This variations were used to identify the fire damaged area.<BR>Fire damage was interpreted into three severity of damage classes using aerial photographs of just after the fire. NDVI values were computed for randomly selected samples from each of these classes and 1985 TM data was classified into these three damage classes using the computed NDVI values. Photographs obtained five years after the fire were interpreted into four regeneration classes and classified the 1990 TM data into these classes by the same method. The accuracies of fire damage and regeneration classifications were 73% in both the cases when compared with aerial photo interpreted maps.<BR>The differences of NDVI values of the overlaid TM data were analyzed for detecting the dynamics of change of vegetative cover in time scale. It was possible to identify the major changes which were observed in aerial photo
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