IAIMS(Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems)プロジェクトのための人と組織
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The human resources required for the planning and implementation of several Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems (IAIMS) were reviewed, and the following characteristics were identified; 1) leadership with an authoritative title; 2) vertical and horizontal "cross-sectional institution" committees serving as centralized structures for planning; 3) operational committees for implementation; 4) a centralized organization for IAIMS planning and implementation, with decentralized systems being the exception; 5) consultation with external experts, including IAIMS experts who have followed the projects; 6) coordinators for intrainstitutional communication; 7) reorganization of IT, related internal organization; 8) a department of medical informatics for research and development; 9) limited librarian leadership, but an expansion in the roles of librarians. These results may be useful for the introduction of similar integrated information systems in other medical institutions and a reconsideration of the role of information professionals in similar project.
- 特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会の論文
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