Competitive Protein Binding Assayによる尿中Cyclic AMPの測定に関する検討
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The determination method of c-AMP in urine by competitive protein binding assay using the Boehringer Mannheim Laboratory kit was investigated and the results obtained were as follows.<BR>1) Since the angle of the inclination of the standard curve was large, the prseent method could be used for the determination of c-AMP in concentrations of from 0 to 20p moles.<BR>2) The optimal condition of the binding reaction was for 100 minutes of reaction time at pH 4.0 and 4°C.<BR>3) The specificities of binding protein to the other nucleotides were 0 to adenosine, 0.4 to AMP, 0.3 to ADP, 0.4 to ATP and 0.6 to c-GMP respectively when the specificity to c-AMP was chosen as 100.<BR>4) The optimal volume of cold phosphate buffer solution needed for washing to separate binding c-AMP by the filtration method using a millipore filter was 5-15 ml.<BR>5) The precision of the present method by double determination was 0-±11.1% with average of ±5.6% in c.v.<BR>6) The recovery rate of the added c-AMP by the present method was 78.6-105.6 % with average of 90.1 %.<BR>7) Correlation between the determination values of c-AMP of the same samples with the present method and radioimmunosasay (Schwarzman Laboratory Kit) was satisfactorily high with 0.890 in coefficient of correlation, and the determination values by the present method were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those by radioimmunoassay.<BR>8) C-AMP in urine was stable for at least one month when the urine was kept frozen.<BR>It is conclusively considered from the above results that this competitive protein binding assay is a method to determine c-AMP in urine with excellent accuracy and sensitivity and that this method is useful for clinical test.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
越智 幸男
福井 巌
京都府立医科大学 臨検査
久城 英人
八谷 孝
越智 幸男
八谷 孝
福井 巌
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