- 論文の詳細を見る
The first successful analysis of TRH in serum and urine was performed by mass fragmentography using a GC-MS combined system. In developing our method, the first problem we had to solve was that of forming a volatile, stable derivative of TRH. TRH was methylated by addition of ethereal-alcoholic solution of diazomethane. This derivative was most useful for GLC work. <BR>The equipment used was Shimadzu LKB 9000 GC-MS (MID-PM). The methylated derivative of TRH was analyzed using the GC-MS system equipped with a 3 ft × 3 mm column packed with 1.5% OV-1 and the temperature was programed at 260°C. <BR>The mass spectrum showed molecular ion at m/e 390 which corresponds to the dimethyl derivative of TRH. The base peak at m/e 149 was applied to establish the precise quantitative evaluation of TRH and related compounds by mass fragmentography. <BR>Inactivation of TRH by serum and urine was well documented. Urines were collected and kept at pH 3 over a 24-hr period. Specimens were stored at -20°C until extraction and assay. Blood samples were collected into polystyrene tubes containing 5mg BAL (2, 3- dimercaptopropanol) and kept in chilled ice. After centrifugation at +4°C, serum was separated and stored at -20°C. <BR>The following results were obtained : <BR>1) The sensitivity was of the order of ng or pg which enables quantitation with 2ml of human serum and urine sample. <BR>2) The procedure is specific, sensitive, reproducible and rapid. <BR>3) The use of GC-MS system to analyze hypophysiotropic releasing hormones enables us to elucidate the relative importance of these hormones and their metabolic changes in various physiological and pathological states of human beings.
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