- 論文の詳細を見る
Circulating thyroid antibodies are important markers for detecting autoimmune thyroid diseases. A survey was conducted in Daiwa Village, Shimane Prefecture, to determine the incidence of significant asymptomatic autoimmune thyroiditis, in a rural population. One thousand two hundred and forty-two people were examined in the survey. The incidence of overt thyroid disorders was 3/570 males and 12/672 females. Eight were cases of hyperthyroidism and three were diffuse or nodular goiter. Three were postoperative cases of struma, including thyroid cancer, and the other one was that of overt hypothyroidism. We examined antithyroglobulin antibodies (TG) and thyroid microsomal antibodies (MS), excluding 15 patients with overt thyroid diseases. TG and MS were measured by the tanned red cell hemagglutination technique, using commercially available kits, Thyroid Test and Microsome Test (Fuzi Zoki, Tokyo). Eight of 567 (1.4%) males were positive for TG and 32 (5.6%) were positive for MS. Twenty-five of 660 (3.8%) females were positive for TG and 73 (11.1%) were positive for MS. The incidence of TG and/or MS was higher in females. Age-specific prevalence of antithyroid antibodies gradually increased in those over 40. We examined the serum cholesterol levels in subjects with thyroid autoantibodies and also in controls and we found no statistical significance. The serum TSH levels were also studied. 3.9pU/ml, which was the mean serum TSH level in subjects with thyroid autoantibodies, was significantly higher than 2.3μU/ml, such being the mean serum TSH level in controls matched according to sex and age (p<0.01). There was a correlation between the serum TSH levels and the titers of thyroid microsomal antibodies.<BR>Four had high levels in the serum thyrotropin (>10/μU/ml), that is 20.1, 18.0, 15.7 and 10.8μU/ml. All were positive for MS and the only one of four was positive for TG. These patients were re-examined for clinical signs of thyroid disorders. We palpated a small goiter in one and tentative diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis was made. The other three seemed to be cases of significant asymptomatic autoimmune thyroiditis. We consider that detection of MS may be more pertinent than that of TG.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
国司 博行
島根医科大学附属病院 輸血部
遠藤 治郎
野津 吉友
島根医科大学附属病院 検査部
野津 和巳
桜美 武彦
後藤 康生
後藤 康生
島根医科大学 第一内科
野手 信哉
島根医科大学 第一内科
平田 正名
島根医科大学 第一内科
桜美 武彦
島根医科大学 第一内科
野津 吉友
島根医科大学 中央検査部
国司 博行
島根医科大学 中央検査部
- グリコヘモグロビンの標準化に関する委員会報告(V)
- グリコヘモグロビンの標準化に関する委員会報告(IV)
- グリコヘモグロビンの標準化に関する委員会報告 (続)
- 概括
- 82. 外表奇形ヒト胎芽に於ける十二指腸の発生 : 特に充実期について
- 抗甲状腺抗体スクリーニングで見いだされた甲状腺機能亢進症例の検討
- 島根県桜江町における住民の健康実態調査
- Apoprotein (a) phenotype : ラクナ梗塞の遺伝的危険因子
- 動脈硬化惹起性リポ蛋白に対するLDLコレステロール測定試薬の特異性
- インスリン抵抗性指標(HOMA-IR)と臨床検査値
- バセドー病患者血清中に酵素免疫測定法で検出された抗FucGM_1抗体
- 16.急性腹症を呈したエルシニア腸炎の1例(第21回日本小児外科学会中国四国地方会)
- PCR-RFLP法によるHLAクラスII抗原のDNAタイピング:SLE症例での検討
- 高プロラクチン血症と著明な下垂体種大を伴った出産後自己免疫性甲状腺症候群(橋本病)の一例
- 視床下部腹内側核破壊ラットにおけるインスリン,グルカゴンならびにソマトスタチン分泌 (脳-代謝相関)
- TBII陽性, TSBAb陽性, TSAb陽性の経過中にTSAbが陰性化し甲状腺機能亢進と低下を反復した原発性甲状腺機能低下症の1例
- PCR法およびpopulation analysisにより同定し得たheterogeneous MRSA
- SI-8-追加発言 高血圧・脳卒中素因遺伝子の検索
- シンポジウム:臨床検査としての遺伝子診断とその可能性 無症候性脳梗塞の危険因子としての血清アポ蛋白(a)フェノタイプの解析
- 小児I型糖尿病例における免疫グロブリン
- 急性肝不全により死亡した甲状腺クリーゼの1例
- 蛋白漏出性腸症による思春期遅発症の1例 (内分泌,興味ある症例-3-) -- (性腺)
- 特定集団における抗甲状腺抗体と血清TSH
- TRH試験による無症候性自己免疫性甲状腺炎の分類
- Differential sensitivities of long-term cultured cell lines derived from human haematopoietic malignancies to various anti-cancer drugs.
- Significance of anti-islet cell antibodies in patients with diabetes mellitus and autoimmune thyroid disorders.
- タイトル無し