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We report here two cases of adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL), which histologically resembled T-zone lymphoma. A 44-year-old female developed right axillary lymph node swelling. On histological examination of the lymph node biopsy, T-zone lymphoma was suspected. However, anti-HTLV- I antibody was positive and the DNA extracted lymph node cells showed a monoclonal integration of HTLV- I proviral DNA. Therefore this case was diagnosed as ATL. Since the superficial lymph nodes were growing clinically, she was admitted to our hospital and received chemotherapy and radiotherapy to the involved regions. Because these therapies were not effective, she died of ATL 6 months after the beginning of therapy.<BR>The second case was a 62-year-old female, who was admitted with bilateral pleural effusi on, ascites and pancreatic head lymph node swelling. Right cervical and left axillary lymph nodes appeared after admission. On histological examination of the lymph node biopsy, invasion of the malignant cells in T cell-zone was shown. The diagnosis of ATL was based on recognition of anti-HTLV- I antibody and the detection of HTLV- I proviral DNA. She achieved complete remission(CR) with VACOP-B regimen and has continued in CR for 6 months.
- Kinki Brain Tumor Pathology Conferenceの論文
桂田 達也
濱本 健次郎
木村 隆
岸本 裕司
藤本 正博
国立大阪病院 内科
山本 義尚
関西医科大学 第1内科
谷口 浩一
関西医科大学 第1内科
伊達 宗広
関西医科大学 第1内科,岸和田市民病院 内科
大賀 成敏
関西医科大学 第1内科
長野 高広
関西医科大学 第1内科
岸本 裕司
関西医科大学 第1内科
藤竹 英樹
関西医科大学 第1内科
北島 弘之
関西医科大学 第1内科
濱本 健次郎
関西医科大学 第1内科
桂田 達也
関西医科大学 第1内科
伊達 宗広
関西医科大学 第1内科
木村 隆
関西医科大学 第1内科
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