- 論文の詳細を見る
Extra- and intracranial arterial bypass operation (EIAB) was performed in 14 patients with a severe arterial stenosis (>50%) in major cerebral artery. In eight cases, the stenotic lesion was found to be occluded by postoperative angiography. Neurological symptoms (aphasia or hemiparesis) were temporalily or permanently exacerbated in three of them. The decrease of arterial pressure gradient through the stenosis, supposed to be a cause of postoperative obstruction (Figs. 1, 2).<BR>Angiographical findings in 8 cases with postoperative obstruction <BR>Four patients had a lesion in horizontal portion of middle cerebral artery (M<SUB>1</SUB>), and another four had a lesion in internal carotid artery (C<SUB>1-5</SUB>). Three patients, whose symptoms were exacerbated after operation, had a lesion in M<SUB>1</SUB> or C<SUB>1-2</SUB>, where good collateral flow through communicating or ophthalmic artery was not anticipated, when the lesion was occluded. In these cases, the territory of middle cerebral artery (MCA) was anterogradically filled through the stenosis before opration. After operation, the occluded area was retrogradically filled through the leptomeningeal anastomoses, and the function of bypass was not proved, or poorly proved due to small size of superficial temporal artery (STA) or stenotic change of anastomosis. On the contrary, in 3 cases with a lesion in C<SUB>3-5</SUB>, or a cases with a good collatral flow through the leptomeningeal anastomoses, symptoms were not exacerbated after operation, and even in the cases with a lesion in M<SUB>1</SUB>, when the bypass function was satisfactorily established.<BR>Conclusions: A severe stenotic lesion was sometimes occluded after EIAB operation. The operation to the cases with severe arterial stenosis, especially in M<SUB>1</SUB> or C<SUB>1-2</SUB>, should be performed in attention to the followings. 1) The direction and the grade of collateral flow should be checked by four vessel angiography. 2) The operation should be performed in the patients who will be expected to have a good function of bypass (STAφ> 1mm). Double anastomoses, or anticoagulants will be useful to obtain the patency.
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
河瀬 斌
長田 乾
荒木 五郎
水上 公宏
田沢 俊明
柚木 和太
柚木 和太
田沢 俊明
脳血管研究所美原記念病院 脳神経外科
水上 公宏
脳血管研究所美原記念病院 脳神経外科
河瀬 斌
脳血管研究所美原記念病院 脳神経外科
水上 公宏
脳血管研究 所美原記念病院 脳神経外科
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