- 論文の詳細を見る
It is well recognized that the communicating hydrocephalus following the rupture of intracranial aneurysms is one of factors which causes the disturbance of consciousness.<BR>In this report we analyze the surgical experience with this complication and discuss the etiological factors.<BR>1. The communication hydrocephalus following the rupture of intracranial aneurysms are divided into acute and chronic form. <BR>2. Acute communicating hydrocephalus may develop within 24 hours after onset and the frepuency is about 10% (6 out of 66 cases).<BR>3. Ventriculocranial index on carotid angiogram is the reliable prognostic measure of shunting procedures.<BR>4. Intraventricular pressure is high in acute communicating hydrocephalus and becomes normal in chronic stage.<BR>5. The incidence of chronic communicating hydrocephalus is about 10% (6 out of 66 cases).<BR>6. There are two types of chronic communicating hydrocephalus. One developes from and another developes gradually after onset.<BR>7. The intraventricular pressure of the former case is high in acute stage and the latter shows the intermittent high pressure lasting for 20-30 minutes.<BR>8. Indication for shunting procedures should be determined by combination of clinical pictures, ventriculocranial index, findinge of cisternography and EEG. Our operative criteria are presented.
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