神経症状, 優位脳側よりみた軽症例の検討
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It has been generally agreed that when the patients suffering from hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage were in comatose state there were no surgical benefits. However, whether or not those of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage other than comatose patients should have surgical intervention is controversial. In our institution the cases falling in the following criteria, a) alert to mild stupor in consciousness level, such as those responding at least to simple verbal order, b) neurological deficits limited to the unilateral side and hemiparesis were graded as mild to moderate.<BR>Last two years we experienced 24 cases, out of which 8 cases were classified as moderate degree. Among them seven cases had either putaminal or subcortical hemorrhage, and these hematomas were surgically removed. On evaluation of prognosis of these cases, delay of consciousness recovery and depressed emotional state were observed on the hematoma patients of the dominant hemisphere (3 cases), whereas there were no such limitting factors on those of the non-dominant hemisphere and excellent results were obtained (four cases).<BR>In summary, when the patients of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma in mild to moderate degree showed 1) gradual deterioration of consciousness level and 2) progressive decline of neurological deficits we considered them surgical candidates. "Cerebral dominance" was regarded as an important factor on surgical indication because of poor prognosis observed on the hemorrhages of the dominant hemisphere compared with those on the non-dominant hemisphere.
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- 神経症状, 優位脳側よりみた軽症例の検討