- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the present study is the elucidation of the pathophysiological signifigance of ceruloplasmin in various diseased states. The correlation between serum ceruloplasmin levels and some hematological values was investigated. Immunoelectrophoretic study was carried out with rabbit antibodies to human ceruloplasmin for detecting apoceruloplasmin in the sera of aplastic anemia, liver cirrhosis and other diseases. Results were as follows: 1) A positive correlation was found between serum ceruloplasmin levels and serum copper concentrations in all diseases except chronic hepatitis and renal failure cases undergoing hemodialysis treatment. 2) In aplastic anemia, serum ceruloplasmin correlated negatively with hemoglobin concentration, red blood cell counts and hemotocrits. There was a positive correlation between serum ceruloplasmin levels and serum iron concentrations. In iron deficiency anemia and acute leukemia, there was a negative correlation between serum ceruloplasmin levels and hematological values, except for serum iron concentration. 3) Im-munoelectrophoresis of normal human sera did not reveal an apoceruloplasmin precipitin band. 4) Apoceruloplasmin was detected in serious cases of aplastic anemia with severe anemia, high serum iron levels and high serum ceruloplasmin concentrations. Apoceru-loplasmin was found in serious cases of liver cirrhosis with severe anemia, low iron levels, low copper concentrations and slow plasma-disapperance rate of ICG. Apoceruloplasmin was detected in cases of normal pregnancies ranging from 9 to 40 weeks with high serum copper and ceruloplasmin concentrations.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
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