Vespertilio superansヒナコウモリの乳歯
- 論文の詳細を見る
A milk dentition of <I>Vespertilio superans</I> THOMAS, 1899 was reported for the first time. The specimen employed for this study was a juvenile male with closed eyes and open meatus and its stomach contained a milky liquid. Although much of the anterior permanent teeth already erupted, the most of milk teeth remained in their normal positions except of di 2 which may be fallen off early (fig. 1) . Therefore, the formula of milk teeth of this specimen is estimated as follows: di 2/3 dc 1/1 dpm 1/2 =20. It may be noteworthy that the number of milk teeth of this species is evidently one pair less than that of general Vespertilionidae, di 2/3 dc 1/1 dpm 2/2 =22, described by GRASSÉ, 1955 (fig. 1736) .
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