- 論文の詳細を見る
The so-called Fissura palatina of <I>Equus</I>, broadly used in the veterinary anatomy, is undoubtedly homologous with the Foramen incisivum of <I>Homo sapiens</I>. The latter seems to be derived from the pared incisive foramina of the lower Primates by reduction of the size of the incisive foramina and reduction of the palatine processes between the foramina and the Fissura palatina of <I>Equus</I> by an enormous development of the processes. Therefore the Fissura palatina of <I>Equus</I> must be strictly called Foramen incisivum. On the other hand, the so-called Foramen incisivum of <I>Equus</I> is a quite different structure and has no concern with the same named foramen of human anatomy. Therefore, the author wants to designate such a foramen between the medial border of the palatal portion of the premaxillaries as Foramen intermaxillare. Such a small foramen is not infrequently found in <I>Mogera, Microtus, Rattus</I>, and etc. An enormous foramen, posterior to Foramen incisivum, found in Ursidae-and some Mustelidae, is also considered to be Foramen intermaxillare, because it is bordered completely by the palatal process of the premaxillaries.
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