ハタネズミ(Microtus montebelli)の胃の構造
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To clarify the characteristics of the stomach structure, 30 Japanese field voles (<I>Microtus montebelli</I>) were observed by macroscopic, microscopic, scanning electro-microscopic, and soft X-ray examinations.<BR>1. The stomach may be divided into two main parts; forestomach and pyloric stomach.<BR>2. Gastric glands were observed in two areas; the glandular region on the larger curvature and the pyloric gland surrounded the pylorus. Glandular region was very thickened and limited. Pyloric gland was localized.<BR>3. The forestomach and the pyloric stomach consisted of two to several layers of stratified squamous epithelia with keratinizing except the gastric gland areas.<BR>4. The gastric gland areas were covered by a simple columnar epithelium.<BR>5. Two different muscle fibers were found in the stomach. One is the smooth muscle fiber consisted of the most part in the stomach, the other is the striated muscle fiber found in the cardia and esophageal groove.<BR>6. The stomach was considered to be changed in size and shape markedly by the gastric volumes.<BR>7. Many small blood vessels were found in the stomach wall.<BR>8. Between the forestomach and glandular region were a number of fimbria extending into the junctional part cavity. The fimbria seemed to be characteristic in Microtus.<BR>9. Results of X-ray examination showed that the stomach constricted in main two portions, a junctional part and pyloric stomach. It was suggested that starting point of constriction was the posterior part of glandular region or a border part on a lesser curvature between the forestomach and pyloric stomach.
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