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The vibration of the vocal cords is usually observed by taking a high speed motion picture of the larynx. Although, this method can give an accurate evaluation of vocal cord vibration, it involves a complicated and time consuming technique.The electronic laryngo-synchron-stroboscope is now being used for clinical evaluations. The principle of stroboscope is that synchronization of the illumination with the frequency of vibration results in an apparent standstill of the vocal cords in any desired position. A slow-motion effect of the vibratory cycle can also be obtained by varying the rate of the illumination slightly in relation to the frequency of vibration.In comparison with a high speed motion picture, in which vocal cord vibration is actually slowed, stroboscopy produces an optical illusion, in which a vibratory cycle is synthesized by "glottal" pictures gathered from successive vibratory cycles.Theoretically, stroboscopy can provide an illusive vocal cords vibration only when the vocal cords vibrate regularly and periodically, in the strict sense. The illusive slow-motion of the vocal cord vibration is similar enough to the actual vibration in normal phonation in which amplitude and frequency modulation is relatively slow and slight. However, most of our subjects have a hoarse voice in which the vocal cord vibration is irregular and aperiodic.Synchronization of the strobo-flash with voice signal and with vibratory pattern of the vocal cords obtained by high speed motion picture technique was tested under various "glottal" conditions.When vocal cord vibration was regular and periodic in the case of a slightly breathy voice, synchronization of the stroboscopic light and vocal cord vibration was obtained, thus standstill or slow-motion of the vibration was observed. In cases of a highly breathy voice, even when the vibration of vocal cords was relatively regular and periodic, the stroboscope did not synchronize with the vibration. A standstill or a slow-motion of the vocal cord vibration could not be obtained. Although the stroboscope was synchronized with the vocal cord vibration in some with rough voices in which the vibration was relatively periodic, a standstill or a slow-motion of the vocal cords vibration was not observed because of an abrupt change in amplitude.It should be noted that a detailed discussion of findings using the stroboscope is meaningless unless the stroboscope is synchronized with the vocal cord vibration.
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