Nasal airway resistance and septal deviation in unilateral cleft lip and palate.
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Nasal resistance was measured aerodynamically through one or both nostrils. Cleft lip nose deformity alone had a negative effect on nasal air-passages, especially on the side of the cleft. Thirty per cent of the patients with cleft lip alone complained of nasal obstruction. Patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate usually have characteristic nasal deformities, including nostril flattening, afar base ptosis and deviation of the nasal columella. In addition, deformity of the nasal cavity is also frequent. CT scans of the nasal septum were analyzed in cleft lip and palate patients. The nasal septum was deviated to the non-cleft side at and around the nostril. This anterior deviation was conspicuous in cases of alveolar cleft. Posteriorly, the nasal septum deviated to the cleft side in both horizontal and vertical planes, especially in cases of cleft hard palate. Posterior septal deviation seems to interfere with nasal respiration much less than anterior nasal deformity.
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