術後性頬部嚢腫と歯根嚢腫との関係について (内藤儁教授退官記念論文集)
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We reported 3 cases of the postoperative maxillary cyst and the radicular cyst which occured after the radical operation.Case 1. A 36 year old male was received the radical operation of maxillary sinuses 22 years ago. The patient complained of swelling and pain of the right cheek. Postoperative maxillary cyst and atypical radicular cyst were found at the reoperation of maxillary sinus.Case 2. A 23 year old male was operated for chronic maxillary sinusitis 11 years ago. The patient complained of the swelling and pain of the right cheek. The Reoperation revealed the radicular cyst. He was operated by Neumann's method. The teeth from 4 to 7 was extracted with extirpation of the cyst. The cyst wall was squamous cell with granulation pathologically. In granulation, cholesteatoma and macrophage were observed.Case 3. A 29 year old male was operated for the diagnosis of maxillary blood boil 13 years ago. During the treatment of the caries of the teeth, the swelling of the left cheek occurred. X-ray finding (pantomography) showed the destruction of the left lateral portion of the maxillary sinus and the periodontitis from 5 to 8. and the fistula between the 6th tooth and the maxillary sinus was found. This case was the 2nd operation showed the postoperative maxillary cyst with odontogenic inflammation.The following results were obtained from these 3 cases;1) The cyst which should be differentiated as the postoperative radicular cyst could occur after the radical operation of maxillary sinus.2) The postoperative radicular cyst may be caused by the disturbance of the dental roots which have been exposed into the sinus at 1st operation.3) Pantomography of the teeth is useful for the differential diagnosis between the postoperative maxillary cyst and the radicular cyst.
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