Post Irradiation Maxillary Sinus Sarcoma; A Case Report.
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Radiation-induced cancer of the head and neck is well known, but radiation-induced sarcoma is rare. Only nine cases have been reported in the Japanese literature. We treated a patient with post irradiation sarcoma arising in the maxillary sinus. She is now 60 years old and had received radiation therapy for left maxillary carcinoma in 1952. In 1972, left maxillary sarcoma was found and she received postoperative radiation therapy again. Then right nasal carcinoma was found in 1980, and she again received postoperative radiation therapy. Then left maxillary sarcoma was found in 1992. There have been no previous reports of three consecutive radiation-induced malignancies developing in a patient.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
安里 亮
韓 相善
宮田 耕志
金子 賢一
平野 滋
北村 薄之
安里 亮
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