Tissue distribution of latamoxef(LMOX) in patients undergoing head and neck surgery.
- 論文の詳細を見る
After infusing LMOX (1 or 2g) intravenously in 57 patients undergoing head and neck surgery, the drug's concentrations in serum and the various tissues were investigated. The maximum concentration in all tissues except the cervical skin was higher with a 2g infusion than with a 1g infusion. The time to reach the maximum concentration i n serum and the tissues were 0.5 hours and 0.5-1.5 hours respectively.The ratio of the concentration in tissues to that of serum was large in the following order; tongue>salivary gland>nasal or paranasal mucosa>tonsil>cervical fat.No side effects of LMOX were observed.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
斉藤 久樹
朴沢 二郎
神 均
北山 裕隆
福士 栄治
神 均
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