Intracordal Injection of Dexamethasone
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Endolaryngeal Application of the corticoid has been widely accepted as a most reliable treatment for the various inflammatory laryngeal diseases. Intralaryngeal injection of dexamethasone providing higher concentration of the corticoid in the vocal cord, showed rapid and exact controll ability of the lesions due to chronic inflammation. Two mgs. of the water soluble dexamethasone was injected into submucous layer of the diseased vocal cord with interval of three days. A group of 49 patients containing 16 cases of chronic laryngitis, 19 cases of the vocal nodule, and 14 cases of the sessible polyp of vocal cord were treated by this injection therapy. Notable effect was seen in the 79% of the total patients. There were no systemic or local reaction caused by the intracordal injection of dexamethasone. The objective sign of the improvement was observed after two or three times of the injections in the cases responded to this therapy. On the basis of our experienes, it can be said that the satisfactory result is attained within seven times of the successive injections. The best results were noted in the cases of chronic laryngitis with reddness and edema of the cords. The granulation tissue appeared after resection of polypoid tissue was also well controlled. The long standing fibrous vocal nodule showed the resistance to this therapy. It is considered that the intracordal injection of various materials can be used in the treatment of many common laryngeal disorders, when the injected material has no local irritability. In conjunction with other forms of laryngeal therapy, this form of treatment gives a more effective result of longer duration.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
本庄 巌
小池 靖夫
柳原 尚明
今西 嘉子
東文 生
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