Hearing Impairment in the Cerebral Palsied School Children
- 論文の詳細を見る
The standard audiometric tests of hearing impairment were performed iii 62 school children of cerebral palsy and the following results were obtained.1) 17 of them had hearing impairment and 15 of them, 27 ears, showed perceptive deafness.2) Perceptive deafness was noted in 44 o of the children with athetoid form, 14.3% of the children with spastic form and none of the children with ataxic form.3) Generally, 7400 of these perceptive deaf children showed high tone deafness. Especially in the children with athetoid form. 16 of 18 ears were found to have the high tone deafness. There was no characteristic pattern in the audiogram of the children with spastic form.4) In 10 cases, the hearing loss in the audiogram was of the symmetric type.5) Generally, no marked relation was found between the occurence of hearing impairment and the etiological factors of the cerebral palsy.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
東 文生
小池 靖夫
柳原 尚明
本庄 厳
東 文生
今西 嘉子
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- Hearing Impairment in the Cerebral Palsied School Children