Clinical study on the effect of vitamin B compounds on immunological responses. Part 2 Comparison of the effect in different term administrations.:Comparison of the effect in different term administrations
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It has been reported in recent years that vitamin B compounds have an immunoregulatory effect. We evaluated the effects of a preparation containing vitamin B1, B6 and B12 and noted the lowered immunlogical functions could be improved by the concomitant administration of vitamin B compounds for chemotherapy, earlier as Part 1 of the study. In the present study, 4 cases were added for re-evaluation and the differences in the time of its continued administration were also examined.<BR>Nine patients with oral cancer who had undergone the chemotherapy (CDDP, PEP and MMC) and radiotherapy were treated for two different durations of the daily administration of vitamin B compounds, i.e. a relatively short term of 1-2 weeks and a long term of 3-10 weeks in parallel with the chemotherapy and radiotherapy and in the other except for these therapies.<BR>As the criterion of cell-mediated immunity, the PHA lymphocytes transformation and the rate of T-cells and B-cells were determined. Serum immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA and IgM) and IAP were also determined.<BR>Both the PHA lymphocytes transformation and the levels of serum immunoglobulins were lowered after the chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but a tendency of improvement was observed in both groups having the long-term and the short-term administration of the vitamin B compounds. The degree of the improvement indicated no difference between the two groups under the long-term and the short-term administrations. Thus, the administration of vitamin B compounds in both the long-term and the short-term groups was confirmed to be able to suppress the tendency for decrease of humoral and cell-mediated immunity, which suggested the possible applicability of this preparation as the immunomodulator.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
木村 博人
伊藤 浩昭
姉崎 研哉
鈴木 貫
田中 純一
桜庭 裕
大塚 勝幸
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