口腔癌の診断学的研究 : 教室過去8年間の臨床統計的観察
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During the 8-year period from 1983 to March 1991, 71 cases with primary carcinoma in the oral cavity were observed and treated in the Department of Oral Surgery at Hirosaki University Hospital.<BR>Fourty-nine patients were male and 22 were female showing a male to female ratio of 2.2: 1. The age of patients ranged from 26 to 80 years, and the mean age was 59.2.<BR>Histologically, squamous cell carcinoma accounted for 87.3% of the all cases. Stage grouping by UICC (1987) showed that 56.3% of the cases were clinically classified into stage IV. More than 1 year was spent in 28.2% of the patients until diagnosis was accomplished after chief complaint had been appeared.<BR>On admission, serum IAP elevated for 38.2% of the cases, and serum SCC for 16.1% of the cases with squamous cell carcinoma, respectively. All cases for which serum SCC elevated were in stage IV, and histologically high differentiated squamous cell carcinoma is rare. Serum TP was low in 40.8% of the cases, and serum Hb was low in 49.3% of the cases.<BR>The former is remarkable for the cases of lip and tongue cancer, the latter for the cases of oral floor cancer. Serum ALP elevated for 20.6% of the cases of maxillary and mandibular cancer.<BR>Radiologic finding showed CT is effective to diagnose maxillar cancer, but not so effective on mandibular cancer, and partially to oral floor and tongue cancers.<BR>MRI made up for the diagnosis of mandibular cancer, but only a part of oral floor and tongue cancers were diagnosed. <SUP>67</SUP>Ga Scintigraphy is more effective for the diagnosis of oral floor squamous cell carcinoma than CT or MRI.
吉田 樹由
鈴木 貢
田中 純一
福士 智之
高地 義孝
小川 透
高橋 雅幸
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