- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, computer technologies are being introduced very rapidly into the marine machinery. As for the boiler control, a new technique of PLC (Programmable Logic Control/ Controller) is being introduced and effectively used for sequential control of boiler machinery. By the introduction of PLC, which is composed of power-supply unit, CPU and I/O units, the control system is greatly simplified and become reliable. The PLC is used not only for controlling a BMS (Burner Management System) but also for a ACC (Automatic Combustion Control) system and a FWC (Feed Water Control) system in the latest boiler control. It could be expected that the introduction of PLC would decrease boiler troubles. But actual situation is not so, and boiler troubles caused by handling mistake are now increasing. Main reason for such trouble increase seems to be that marine engineers are given little chance to learn the internal structure of PLC, and the PLC is therefore an untouchable black box for them. Further they can not be given any chance for sufficient explanation on the PLC in OJT (on-the-job-training on board) . It is demanded, therefore, marine engineers should be educated for the knowledge of boiler control and PLC.<BR>Responding to the demand, the authors developed a simple boiler control simulator introduced a PLC system, and, using it, marine engineer's training is being carried out in the author's institute. This paper shows a training method using the simulator, and considers a future MET (E) (Maritime Education and Training for Engineers) method.
- 2003-03-01
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