Water Chemistry Control in 10MPa Steam Turbine Plant for LNGC
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The steam turbine plant is well known, good for reliability, but not good for specific fuel consumption to the diesel plant. As the demand for LNG carriers and the requirements for fuel saving are increasing year and year, more efficient steam plant is being required. In response to this requirement, a new steam plant, which adopts the reheat cycle with the steam pressure of 10 MPa, has been developed. The adoption of higher pressure steam would require the more sophisticated water quality control so that its reliability could be maintained at high level as same with the conventional 6MPa plants. This paper considers the appropriate water quality control criteria and phosphate treatment for the new plant, and makes it clear that a quite different boiler water treatment is needed from the treatment of conventional plant.
- 社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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- 2011年におけるマリンエンジニアリング技術の進歩
- 2010年におけるマリンエンジニアリング技術の進歩
- 2010年におけるマリンエンジニアリング技術の進歩
- Water Chemistry Control in 10MPa Steam Turbine Plant for LNGC