Transfer of SBPC (lilacillin) in tissue.
- 論文の詳細を見る
To determine the mode of transfer of antibiotics to focus, 2g of sulbenicillin was intravenously injected into patients and changes in its concentration that took place during its transfer to tissues adjoining the lumbar spine were measured.15 patients, aged from 19 to 59, suffering from the lumbarspine disorder were each given intravenous injection of 2g of sulbeniciliin, and then spinous process laminae, ligament flavum, nucleus pulposus, and blood were sampled from each patient during surgery.The tissue and blood samples thus collected were analyzed five times, with progressive delays of 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, and 135 minutes, for comparative studies of sulbenicillin contents.The maximum reading in ligament flavum was 9.1μg/g given with the delay of 30 minutes, whereas it was 7.0μg/g in spinous process laminae and 4.9μg/g in nucleus pulposus measured with the delay of 60 minutes in either instance. Although the ratio of transfer was highest in ligament flavum, the tendency to remain in its tissue was not pronounced.Low in concentration commonly in the three tissues of spinous process laminae, ligament flavum, and nucleus pulposus, sulbenicillin should be said almost ineffective against Gram-negative bacteria there. Also, it was found that sulbenicillin, though effective against Gram-positive bacteria, especially staphylococcus aureus, in ligament flavum and spinous process laminae, is less effective in nucleus pulposus.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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