Lateral Retinacular Release for Subluxation Syndrome of the Patella
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Between March 1983 and April 1984, 15 patients had lateral retinacular release of the patella performed for subluxation syndrome of the patella. The youngest patient was aged 10 at the time of operation, the oldest 26; the average age was 18. Of the 15 patients, 6 had unilateral and 9 had bilateral involvement, making a total of 24 operations. All knees didn't have the synovium opened and the joint inspected. The follow-up period varied from 1 year 8 months to 7 months, with an average of 11 months. There was no complication after the operation, the results of which were graded according to the Ficat's criteria.The overall results were excellent or good in 96% of the cases. A very small scar, early mobilisation and early return to work and sports make this surgical procedure very attractive to patients who are prepared to have a second-stage operation if necessary.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
瀬良 敬祐
藤樹 宏
瀬良 敬祐
竹迫 純享
藤田 雅章
長崎大学医学部 整形外科
乗松 敏晴
本多 重信
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