A Case of Idiopathic Spinal Cord Herniation.
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Spinal cord herniation is a rare cause of neurological symptoms. We report a case of a 72-year-old woman presented with myelopathy of the lower right extremity and sensory disturbance of the lower left extremety. Three years earlies the subject experienced weakness in the right leg and numbness in the left leg. The patient did not have a history of injury or spine surgery. The symptoms worsened until examination by the authors three years, later by MRI, myelography, and CT scan. MRI scan well revealed spinal cord anterior deviation at the Th5 level. In operation, dura membrane defect, duplicated dura, and spinal cord herniation were observed. Laminectomy and dural fixation with artificial dura were performed. After operation, the patient's complaints gradually decreased.
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