- 論文の詳細を見る
Clinical study was performed on 30 cases of degenerative spondylolisthesis which had been followed for over 5 years after anterior interbody fusion.(1) Radiological investigation:1. Bone union was obtained in all cases.2. The mean rate of slipping preoperatively was 16.1% and postoperatively 9.1%.3. The mean corrective rate after operation was 47.9%.4. Loss of correction ranging from 0.5% to 7% was found in 8 cases.(2) Postoperative results were evaluated by the 2nd trial score of J. O. A..1. Results of "Excellent" 23%, "Good" 57%, "Fair" 10% and "Poor" 10% were obtained.(3) Postoperative results and their radiological findings:1. In excellent and good cases, the correlation was not found among preoperative slipping rate, postoperative corrective rate and results after operation.2. In cases which revealed complete block in myelogram, 60% were fair and poor.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
- 医師不足調査よりみた整形外科医療環境の現状について (第21回日本臨床整形外科学会学術集会)
- 413. 腰部椎間板症に対する腰椎前方椎体固定術の術後理学療法および術後成績
- 73. Lifting動作の三次元的解析 : Lumbar Motion MonitorとEMGを用いての意識の有無による腰椎変化の検討
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- 活性型プロテインC(APC)は白血球の活性化を抑制することで実験的脊髄損傷後の運動麻痺を著明に軽減する
- 9.メシル酸ガベキサート(FOY)は実験的脊髄損傷後の運動麻痺を著明に改善する : その抗凝固以外の新しい作用について(脊髄損傷-治療II)
- アンチトロンビンIII(ATIII)は白血球の活性化を抑制することで実験的脊髄損傷後の運動麻痺を著明に軽減する
- メシル酸ガベキサート(FOY)は実験的脊髄損傷後の運動麻痺を著明に改善する ; その抗凝固以外の新しい作用について
- リコンビナントトロンボモジュリン(r-TM)はプロテインCを活性化することで実験的脊髄損傷後の運動麻痺を著明に軽減する
- アンチトロンビンIIIは実験的脊髄損傷後の運動麻痺を著明に軽減する ; その抗凝固以外の新しい作用について
- 80歳以上の腰椎変性疾患の手術症例に対する臨床的検討
- 高齢者腰椎多数回手術例からみた術式の検討
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- 腰椎変形すべり症の術式からみた術後成績
- Hypochondroplasiaに黄色靱帯骨化症を合併し、両下肢不全麻痺を呈した1例
- 70歳以上の高齢者腰椎椎間板ヘルニア手術症例の臨床的検討
- I-D-3 活性型プロテインC (APC)は好中球の活性化を抑制することで実験的脊髄損傷後の運動麻痺を著明に軽減する
- 60才以上の高齢者に対する頚椎前方手術症例の臨床的検討
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- 変性性腰椎すべり症に対する前方後方同時侵襲手術症例(後方除圧、前方椎体固定術)の臨床的検討
- MOBから見た腰部椎間板症に対する前方椎体固定術の問題点
- 6.アンチトロンビンIII(ATIII)は実験的脊髄損傷後の運動麻痺を著明に軽減する : その抗凝固以外の新しい作用について(脊髄損傷1)
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- 骨粗鬆症治療における骨代謝マーカーの比較 : TRACP-5bと血清NTX
- 当院における80歳以上の高齢者脊椎手術に対する検討 (西日本脊椎研究会 特集号) -- (80歳以上の脊椎疾患の治療戦略)
- TRACP-5b検体の安定性に関する問題点についての検討
- Clinical Study of Surgically Treated Lumbar Disc Herniation in the Aged.
- Evaluation of Lumbar Disc Degeneration in Adults Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Correlation between Peridiscal Signal Intensity and Nuclear Signal Intensity in 1773 Discs.:Correlation between Peridiscal Signal Intensity and Nuclear Signal Intensity in
- A newly designed orthoses (N-type cervical orthoses).
- Two cases of the subthecal lumbar herniation.
- Clinical investigation on surgically treated ossification of the posterior ligament of the cervical spine.
- Diagnostic evaluation of MRI for Pyogenic Spondylitis.
- Clinical study of lumbar degenerative disease with acute onset in elderly patients.
- Clinical Study of Thoracic Degenerative Diseases.
- 腰部くも膜骨化症の1例
- Clinical Evaluation of L5-S Intervertebral Disc Herniation:by Myelogram with Water Soluble Contrast Medium
- Tree cases of the cervical syringomyelia
- Clinical Investigation of Lumbar Disc Herniation Over 50 Years of Age
- Clinical Investigation for Cauda Equina Compression Herniation
- Clinical Investigations of Juvenile Lumbar Disc Herniation
- A Clinical Study of Adjacent Disc Herniation in a Congenital Union and after Anterior Interbody Fusion of the cervical Spine.
- Evaluation of Lumbar Disc Lesions in Teen-agers using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. A correlative Study between Peridiscal Singnal Intensity and Nuclear Signal intensity in 500 Discs.:A correlative Study between Peridiscal Singnal Intensity and Nuclear Sign
- Evaluation of Degenerative Spondylolisthesis with Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
- Clinical investigation of cervical disc lesion without spondylosis.
- Clinical investigation of teen-age lumbar disc herniation.
- Pre- and Postoperative Influences to the Individual Patients with Low Back Pain regarding to Socioeconomical and Psychological Aspects
- Clinical Investigation of Percutzneous Nucoleotomy Compared with Other Procedures, Especially Anterior Nucleotomy and Discectomy, for Lumbar Disc Herniation.
- タイトル無し
- Clinical Study on Lumbar Canal Stenosis in Patients over 70 years of Age.
- Clinical investigation of lumbar spondylolisthesis with spinal canal stenosis.
- Clinical Study of Surgicaly Treated Lumbar Lumbar Disc Herniations. Clinical Evaluation of Cases Passed over 10 years after Operation from Anterior Approach (Vertebal Body Fusion) and Posterior Approach (Interlaminar Approach or Partial Laminectomy).:Clin
- A method on spinal osteotomy for the correction of thoraco-lumbar kyphosis a case report of pedicle osteotomy.
- Pathology and surgical treatment of degenerative lumbar canal stenosis.
- タイトル無し
- Clinical Investigation of Anterior Vertebral Body Fusion (L4-5) and Anterior Discectomy with out Fusion (L5-S) for the Lowest Double Disc Lesion.
- Clinical Study of Antero-Posterior Combined Operation for Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
- Follow-up studies of Anterior Interbody Fusion to Multiple Lumbar Disc Lesion
- Tentative Diagnosis of the Affected Level in Lumbar Disc Herniation accompanied by the Trasitional Vertebra
- Clinical Studies of Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis with Lumbar Scoliosis
- Clinical study for the spondylolysis with adjacent disc lesion and spinal canal stenosis.