Clinical Evaluation of L5-S Intervertebral Disc Herniation:by Myelogram with Water Soluble Contrast Medium
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Our classification of myelogram with water soluble contrast medium (Dirax) and operatve procedure were presented.Our operative indication and procedure for the L5-S intervertebral disc herniation by our classification of myelogram:1. Interlaminal approach;(Love's method)unilateral abnormal nerve root findings with slight or moderate of dural indentation (e. g. Aro Oro LII-III1 according to abbreviation of our classification), often accompanied with severe positive Lasègue's sign.2. Laminectomy and nucleotomy;bilateral abnormal nerve root findings with severe dural indentation (e. g. All oll LIII2-IV), often accompanied with bladder and rectum dysfunction.3. Anterior discotomy and vertebral body fusion;mainly slight or moderate degree of dural indentation (e. g. Aoo Ooo L II-III1), with severe low back pain.4. Absolute indication for operation;cases having obliteratively or completely blocked myelogram (e. g. L III3-IV) in spite of slight symptomes and signs.
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