The co-efficient of the activity of rheumatoid arthritis and protein of the synovial fluid.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Total protein and its fractions were measured in fifteen patients of rheumatoid arthritis. A/G ratio, globulin volume, and gamma-globulin volume were co-related to erythrocyte sedimentation ratio and C-reactive protein which were evaluated as the indication of activity of rheumatoid arthritis. When synovial fluid is analized, the measurement of protein volume and its fraction is re-commended.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
高木 一広
平川 敬
城 日出徳
古庄 耕史
鳥巣 岳彦
三原 徹之
高下 光弘
大分医科大学 整形外科
Masumi Shogo
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