Revascularization and bone formation in experimental allogeneic bone grafts.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this work was to obtain the data on the revascularization and bone formation of allogeneic bone grafts. Windows 0.5cm wide and 2cm long were cut in the iliac bones of rabbits, and the bone grafts were inserted into these defects. The experiments were done using frozen and fresh allogeneic bone grafts. It was found that frozen and fresh allogeneic bone grafts were revascularized almost in the same manner, but there was one case involving fresh allogeneic bone which had delayed vessel penetration even after four weeks. Revascularization was observed prior to bone formation, and the absence of vascularization was associated with the absence of bone formation.
高木 一広
片岡 晶志
真角 昭吾
矢野 寛一
清水 啓
池辺 修二
片岡 晶志
真角 昭吾
大分医科大学 整形外科
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