Multiple Neurilemmoma Arising from the Cauda Equina, the Posterior Mediastinum and Peripheral Nerves. A Case Report.
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A case of multiple neurilemmoma in the cauda equina, the posterior mediastinum and peripheral nerves is reported. A 24 year old male presented with gait disturbance and muscle weakness in the lower extremities. His past history included the presence of multiple neurilemmomas in the left upper extremities.Myelography and MR imaging showed tumors in the intradural space between the thoracic level and the sacral level. All resected tumors showed the same pattern of Antoni A tissue and Antoni B tissue. In comparing this patient with neurofibrolmatosis type 2, we conclude that the diagnosis of this patient is neurilemmomatosis and not neurofibromatosis because of the absence of cardinal features of neurofibromatosis. Patients with neurilemmomatosis should be carefuly observed for the development of other neuro mas such as acoustic neurinoma.
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