Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection in the Orthopedic Field in Kagoshima University Hospital.
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MRSA infections have become one of the major therapeutic problems in the orthopedic field. The rates of MRSA-positive inpatients were 1.6% in the orthopedic ward and 25% in the tuberculous ward.We reviewed these 22 MRSA-positive inpatients. Six cases of deep infections, including postmetal-replacement-operations, pyogenic spondylodiscitis and post-traumatic leg necrosis, were treated operatively and/or conservatively by antibiotics. MRSA disappeared in 5 cases and one case died from the MRSA infection which caused heart failure.In regard to retes of nasal carriage among the medical staff, the nasal MRSA-positive rate was 2.6% in 1992, and this increased to 16% by 1994. There was no difference in carriage rate between doctors and nurses. It is very important to carry out measures which will prevent further MRSA infections.
伊藤 博史
菊野 竜一郎
酒匂 崇
米 和徳
菊野 竜一郎
米 和徳
鹿児島大学 整形外科
伊藤 博史
伊藤 博史
鹿児島大学 整形外科
米 和徳
鹿児島大学 医学部 保健学科
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