- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study examined the effects of instrumental and/or socio-emotional behavior of a friend on stress reactions and task performance. A 2 (presence or absence of instrumental behavior) ×2 (presence or absence of socio-emotional behavior) ×2 (high or low legitimacy) factorial design was used. Ninety-one college-age females as subjects and their close same-sex friends as confederates participated in the experiment. Dependent variables were mean blood pressure (MBP) as a physiological stress reaction, state anxiety as a psychological stress reaction, and the level of performance in a simple arithmetic task. Instrumental behavior had a facilitating effect on task performance in the high legitimacy condition. Socio-emotional behavior showed a buffering effect on physiological stress reaction when the friend did not engage in instrumental behavior in the low legitimacy condition. These findings suggested that the legitimacy accounted for the differences between leadership and social support processes.
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