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This study examined the influence of the identity negotiation process on well-being. The framework of identity negotiation argues that there are two phases of the way to decrease the discrepancy between self-appraisal and other's appraisal about self. The first phase is that self-appraisal is brought closer to other's appraisal. The second phase is that other's appraisal is brought closer to self-appraisal. After all, the framework assumes that the decrement of the discrepancy will lead the person to well-being. In addition to these two phases, we focused on relative level of self-appraisal and other's appraisal which had not been considered enough in previous studies. In study 1, we found that subjects low in relative self-appraisal (SL-Ss) deteriorated well-being through negative verification in which other's appraisal was gone down, but promoted well-being through positive verification in which self-appraisal was gone up. By contraries, as for subjects high in relative self-appraisal (SH-Ss), these connections were notfound. In study 2, we found that SL-Ss had less stable self-appraisal and other's appraisal than SH-Ss. And SL-Ss brought other's appraisal close to their low self-appraisal. Moreover, SL-Ss were not as adaptive as SH-Ss. Finally, we demonstrated that people with negative self-appraisal engaged in the maladjusted social interaction. Mediational function of self process on the relation between interpersonal relationships and well-being was discussed.
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