好ましい他者の価値態度の認知--仮定された類似性をめぐって (集団過程と認知<特集>)
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The purposes of this study were, first, to examine the hypothesis that assumed similarity tendency (AS) is higher than real similarity (RS) in the perception of the likable other's attitude to values, and, second, to make sure the relationships among the three indices of AS and RS.<BR>The subjects were 50 male and female students. They went through two copies of KikuchiGordon Scales of Personal Values (KG-SPV): one to measure their own attitude to values and the other to examine their inferences about the other best friend of the same sex. Based on the score of KG-SPV the three indices, (1) intra-personal correlation (IPC), (2) absolute difference value (AD), and (3) correlation based on the whole subjects (C), were calculated in AS, RS, respectively in terms of 6-value scores among one's own self, inference of other's and the real attitude of other's.<BR>The results were as follows:<BR>1) The hypothesis that AS is higher than RS was supported by IPC and AD, which were converted, and C.<BR>2) The consistent relationship was found between converted AD and C. but converted IPC did not significantly related to converted AD and C.
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