- 論文の詳細を見る
The present paper investigated visual interaction in conversational dyads by using a large range of gaze pattern measures as associated with conversation, not by using simple eye contact measurement. Specifically, it aimed to clarify the effects of an interviewers' semi-dark sunglasses upon gaze patterns between two conversants during interviews.<BR>Twenty-eight female students served as Ss, and were interviewed by 1 male student (E) for about 10 min. The interviewer wore sunglasses first for half of the Ss, and he interviewed the remaining half with naked eyes first. After completion of the interview, Ss rated the contents of interview and the impression to interviewer on adjective scales, and filled out MAS scales.<BR>Patterns of visual interaction were recorded on a multichannel data recorder, giving such measures as amount, frequency, and length of gaze during the entire interview, and while speaking and while listening, separately. Moreover, localized gaze patterns were scored for each subject by summing up visual patterns over four specified occasions of the interviewer's and S's speech end.<BR>The main results were as follows:<BR>(1) In the sunglasses condition Ss looked significantly less at E during the interview, and E looked at Ss significantly less as well.<BR>(2) Ss looked significantly more while listening than while speaking. The same was the case with E.<BR>(3) Immediately after the end of E's utterance S's gaze decreased markedly, while increasing at the end of their utterances.<BR>(4) Sunglasses caused stronger tension in Ss during the interview. And the interviewer was rated more negatively when he wore sunglasses than when he did not.<BR>(5) Subjects with high MAS scores looked less while listening, and with shorter gaze. Significant positive correlations were found between E and Ss on such measures as length and frequency of gaze.
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