遺跡の地震跡を用いた古地震研究 (災害とその予測--第4紀研究の果たす役割<特集>)
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The author has been investigating the paleoearthquake traces discovered at archaeological sites. The merits of this study can be summarized into five points as follows.1) The formation ages of these traces are estimated by archaeological methods. For historical earthquakes in paticular, the date of formation can be determined by reference to the descriptions in old documents.2) These traces enable us to examine the periodicity of big earthquakes, which is fundamental information for the prediction of earthquake risk.3) Traces which can be observed thoroughly at excavation sites can help us to understand the complicated behavior of soft ground under the influence of earthquake motion.4) Sometimes these traces, when the formation age is known, can become unique time scales for archaeological excavation.5) Historical and archaeological mysteries-for example, submerged sites, migrated settlements and roads-can sometimes be solved by the discovery of earthquake traces.
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