新期御岳テフラ層の層序と時代--中部日本における編年上の意義 (中部日本における後期更新世の諸問題--とくに寒冷気候について<特集>)
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Ontake Volcano was one of the most active volcanoes in Japan, producing many extensive sheets of tephras during the late Pleistocene. These sheets are very useful for the cor- relation and chronology of the late Pleistocene deposits distributed in central Japan.The authors established the stratigraphy of the Younger Ontake tephra group by careful investigation along the Kiso valley and on the eastern foot of Ontake volcano. The Younger Ontake tephra group is classified into 17 formations by buried soils and intervening unconformities. In addition, the tephra ages are estimated using the radiometric ages of related sediments, the stratigraphic positions of widespread marker tephras, and the geologic histories of well-investigated areas in central Japan.The following are the new results obtained from this investigation.1) Among the many marker tephras originating from the Ontake volcano, Katamachi pumice layer (On-KtP) extends to the Takada coastal plain on the Sea of Japan, Ina pumice layer (On-Inp) to southern Kanto, Nagawa pumice layer (On-NgP) to the northern part of Gunma Prefecture and Tatsuno pumice layer (On-Ttp) to the Nobi plain. Therefore, these extensive pumice layers make it possible to correlate the geomorphic surfaces and the late Pleistocene deposits which are distributed in areas separated by great distances.2) The upper part of the Atsuta formation in the Nobi plain is correlated to the upper part of the Katamachi sand bed in the Takada plain. These two beds were deposited during the marine regression stage from 90, 000 to 60, 000 years ago, after the culmination of the last interglacial transgression.3) Kisogawa mudflow deposits from the Ontake and Komaki gravels in the Nobi plain are considered to have been accumulated about 45, 000 years, which makes them much older than the previously estimated age of 27, 000 years.4) The maximum phase of the Kumazawa glacial stadial in the Central Japan Alps is estimated to be older than 57, 000 years.
- 日本第四紀学会の論文
- 23B. 成層火山上部を作る強溶結して安山岩質岩滓集塊岩 : 御嶽火山の摩利支点火山群における例(日本火山学会1988年秋季大会)
- 23B 成層火山上部を作る強溶結した安山岩質岩滓集塊岩 : 御嶽火山の摩利支天火山群における例
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- 99 立山室堂周辺の氷河堆積物とその年代
- 38B. 立山火山第4期の水蒸気爆発と活断層の関係(日本火山学会1989年秋季大会)
- B38 立山火山第 4 期の水蒸気爆発と活断層の関係
- 3.3.7 大規模地すべりの分布特性と発生予測に関する研究(3.3 経常研究,3. 研究業務)
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- 36. 長野県西部地震による岩屑流堆積物(日本火山学会 1985 年度春季大会講演要旨)
- 15P-b. 長野県西部地震災害調査報告(日本火山学会 1984 年度春季大会講演要旨)
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- 立山火山最末期の水蒸気爆発 : 日本火山学会1980年秋季大会
- 御岳山1979年火山活動の降灰について : 日本火山学会1980年度春季大会
- 33. 御岳火山・三岳軽石層(降下軽石層)の分布(日本火山学会 1979 年春季大会講演要旨)
- 御岳火山新期御岳テフラの層序と御岳火山の活動史 : 日本火山学会1977年度秋季大会
- 北陸地方東部における大山テフラの分布とそれに関する第四系の対比 : 第四期
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- 1979年御岳山火山活動
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- 木曽御岳火山噴出物の化学組成 : 火山および火山岩
- 12. 阿蘇, 木曽御岳火山噴出物のストロンチウム同位体組成(日本火山学会 1972 年度春季大会講演要旨)
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- 御岳火山新期テフラの層序 : 第四紀
- 「乗鞍火山帯」火山岩の化学的特徴 : 日本火山学会1974年度秋季大会
- 御岳火山噴出物の化学的性質
- The Petrochemical Characteristics of Ontake Volcano
- The Petrochemical Characteristics of Ontake Volcano
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- 新期御岳テフラ層の層序と時代--中部日本における編年上の意義 (中部日本における後期更新世の諸問題--とくに寒冷気候について)