濃尾平野中部更新統のケイソウ群集 (中期更新生,その時代と環境--東海・伊勢湾周辺地域を例として)
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The author has carried out the diatom analysis on the middle Pleistocene sediments underlying the Nobi Plain, called the Ama and the Yatomi Formations, and has discussed the changes in sedimentary environments estimated from the diatom flora.The two Formations are composed of alternating beds of fluvial gravels and lacustrine deposits interbedded with a marine deposit. Four marine deposits have been found in the Formations, and this shows that four transgressions, at least, took place at the Nobi Plain Basin in Middle Pleistocene Age.The sedimentary environments of these deposits are summarized as follows;G2 gravel bedAma FormationLacustrine bed-Brackish water to marine bed, being three to five meters thick, and yielding abundant diatoms such as Cyclotella striata, Actinocyclus spp. etc. -Lacustrine bedAg2 gravel bedLacustrine bed-Marine bed, being about five meters thick, and yielding abundant diatoms such as Cyclotella striata, Melosira sulcata etc. -Lacustrine bedAg1 gravel bedLacustrine bed-Brackish water to marine bed, being 5-13 meters thick, and yielding abundant diatoms such as Cyclotella striata, Melosira octogona etc. -Lacustrine bedG3 gravel bedYatomi FormationLacustrine bed-Brackish water to marine bed, being five or more thick, and yielding abundant diatoms such as Actinocyclus spp. etc. -Lacustrine bed
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- 濃尾平野中部更新統のケイソウ群集 (中期更新生,その時代と環境--東海・伊勢湾周辺地域を例として)